Engine demo WIP

So, it’s finally time to make my hard work amount for something, and I’m in the middle of composing a small demo to show off the engine’s features and such.
The following screenshots are direct shots taken from the demo render. The apparent state of the engine is that it only has the simple features working. I have no post-processing effects going on, since they haven’t been implemented yet. ( so no anti-aliasing :/ )
But regardless it should show the immediate quality of it.

(Click on them for larger size.)

They are both of the same scene, obviously, but one of them contains an orange light in shot, which right now circles around the scene.

There are some things that cannot be seen that easily in the screenshots that the engine does. The metallic and glass surfaces in the scene are actually faking a reflection by using simple cubemapping. Since this cannot be seen in still shots like these, I’m planning on putting up a video once the demo scene is done.

So, I’ll just continue now. Bye. 🙂


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