The little deferred renderer that almost could


This is the part where I hit my first snag.
But regardless it’s not that big of a deal right now.

It’s once more about the different spaces making it difficult on my poor brain.
And it feels a little counter-productive to have results that almost work.
Right now I try to keep my spaces in world space, as I find it more intuitive that way than other spaces such as view space. But I’ll eventually get to view space when I need to really optimize it.

So as I said, everything is in world space, except for depth, which I store as linear scene z depth.
I then go on to recreate a view space position from this depth and then convert it into world space to accommodate the other data.
But this just produces an “almost right” result. There’s something I’m missing, but I just don’t know what yet.

But like I said, I can roll with the world space position buffer a little while longer. I’m not really supposed to deal with optimizations just yet, but I’m just a human. πŸ™‚

So anyway, it looks to me that this renderer will be a pretty sweet base for my projects if and when I do get the basic optimizations working for the deferred renderer.

Back to it! πŸ™‚

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