Post Processing Addition

That’s right. I’ve finally gotten off my butt and put a first implementation of FXAA into the pipeline. 🙂
So far it’s pretty much what I expected it to be. Anti aliasing. Pretty good such at that, since I don’t see any immediate problems with it or any outstanding visual artifacts.
I’m of course familiar with the potential caveats that come hand-in-hand with using an anti aliasing remedy such as FXAA.
But still, after all, I’m going for a “better than nothing” approach so this suffices well and plenty to what I imagine it to at this point.
And personally I think FXAA is one of the cooler things I’ve seen as of late. I don’t fully understand it right now so that adds a little to the mystery and coolness on my end. *laugh* (I’m excused since I’ve never really taken an in-depth look at the thing yet. 😉 )
But I, of course, intend to learn everything(read: as much as I can) about it if I’m ever hoping of using it in any capacity that’s beyond just putting it on the screen.
Beyond that I think it’s a very much suited for my renderer as it stands, being “hybrid” and all it can’t really use hardware anti aliasing so my options are pretty exhausted.

Anyway, I’ll get back to this, and I will pop back in a bit later with some screenshots and further information.
Bye. 🙂

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